Sydney Sweeney Channels Her Inner DiCaprio, Goes the Extra Mile for Immaculate


Sydney Sweeney's got that star power we all recognize. From Euphoria to The White Lotus, she's showing serious range. But with her new film Immaculate, the commitment she brought to the set sounds legendary – she pulled a major Leonardo DiCaprio move!

The Injury That Didn't Stop Her

Immaculate is a horror film, and that means things get bloody. During one particularly gruesome scene, Sweeney's character gets soaked in fake blood. Some of that got in her eyes, causing a lot of pain.  But guess what? She refused to break character.  Just like DiCaprio in Django Unchained when he sliced his hand open, she powered through. Talk about dedication!

Sydney the Producer

This time, Sweeney wasn't just the star, she was also a producer on Immaculate. That means she had even more riding on getting things right.  Imagine the pressure, both as the lead actress and the person who helped make  the film happen!

A Passion Project Turns Intense

Turns out, Sweeney's been connected to Immaculate since she was a teen.  She originally auditioned for it years ago, and clearly, the story stuck with her. Her director, Michael Mohan, praised her in interviews, calling it a performance that shows her true depth.

Was the DiCaprio Scene an Inspiration?

You've gotta wonder if Sweeney had DiCaprio's Django Unchained moment in the back of her mind.  That scene with his injured hand is iconic because it's real – he didn't stop for the take, and Tarantino kept it in the film.  That kind of dedication pushes boundaries in filmmaking.

When Does It Go Too Far?

Okay, let's be real though – how far is too far?  We love actors who bring their all, but safety matters too. Sweeney was in pain, but she was also the boss on set.  It's tough to know where the line is sometimes.

Release Information

Want to see what all the fuss is about? Immaculate hits theaters on March 22, 2024. Horror fans and Sweeney fans alike shouldn't miss it.


This whole story just proves Sydney Sweeney is a powerhouse. We don't know what else she's got in store, but you can bet we'll be watching!